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We have a national network of PhD and Masters by Research students from all Australian universities, ready to engage in an internship.

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Dona Johns

Dona Johns

Deakin University
Dona's research interests include cancer biology, molecular biology, R programming and Bioinformatics analysis. She is also interested in drug discovery and repurposing. An internship will help Dona gain additional skills and help network that will be important in pursuing a career in industry.
Mohammed Algumaei

Mohammed Algumaei

Deakin University
Mohammed's research focuses on human factors engineering, primarily on exploring the objective and subjective measurements to evaluate team cognitive performance in a complex task. His research skills include data science, data analytics, and signal processing skills and have experience using programming languages such as Matlab and Python.
Eugene Tan

Eugene Tan

The University of Western Australia
Eugene's research interests include dynamical systems, network science and machine learning. He is particularly interested in how the dynamics of naturally occurring networks such as epidemic spread, political networks and power grids may be better understood and controlled.
Muhammad (Sherry) Shaharyar

Muhammad (Sherry) Shaharyar

Deakin University
Sherry's research interest includes energy storage and carbon dioxide capture. He has strong skills in synthesising, assembling and testing batteries.
Azeez Aregbe

Azeez Aregbe

The University of Melbourne
Azeez's research interests include mineral processing and beneficiation and colloid and surface chemistry. He is also skilled in high-pressure experimental designs, data analysis, and froth flotation.
Richard Dwumfour

Richard Dwumfour

Curtin University
Richard has been published in peer-reviewed journals on topics related to macroeconomics, monetary economics, financial economics and development economics.
Tahnim Sultana

Tahnim Sultana

RMIT University
Tahnim demonstrates exceptional dedication to her research project, the microbiology discipline, and her professionalism in the HDR community as an international student.
Usman Javed

Usman Javed

Curtin University
Usman's research is focused on the development of a green binder system by environmentally friendly incorporation of industrial waste products in geopolymer concrete. His skills are in investigating the microstructural properties of construction binders by SEM/EDS, XRD, FTIR, EBSD.
Christina Maxwell

Christina Maxwell

The University of Queensland
Christina's research interests include community-based arts practice, social change, intergroup relations, and allyship. She is skilled in designing, implementing, and analysing mixed methods research as well as conducting systematic literature reviews.