Fizza’s academic training is in the field of Biology and Biochemistry with extensive experience in basic lab techniques like PCR, DNA Extraction, RNA Extraction, Western Blotting, etc. She is very much interested in enhancing her research skill set and working professionally in a commercial setting.
For more information, please contact one of our APR.Intern Business Development Managers:
- Justin Mabbutt (VIC & TAS) – j.mabbutt@aprintern.org.au / 0413 050 952
- Mark Ovens (NSW & ACT) – m.ovens@aprintern.org.au / 0400 764 763
- Glen Sheldon – g.sheldon@aprintern.org.au / 0431 832 788
- Michael Valentine (VIC) – m.valentine@aprintern.org.au / 0411 600 063