Australian National University
Domestic Student
Engineering, IT, Mathematics and Statistics
Research Specialty:
Engineering, Programming, Robotics, Space Physics

Josef’s research specialities include space physics, plasma and robotics. Whilst his work mainly focuses on a space context, each of these fields are equally applicable to terrestrial engineering applications.

Josef has experience in quantum computing, laser physics and the mining industry and is familiar with C/C++, Matlab and Python programming languages. He is particularly interested in industry and defence R&D.

Research Skills

  • Programming proficiency in various languages (Python, C++, MATLAB).
  • Modelling and simulation of various physical processes related to spacecraft (orbital perturbations, radiation exposure, thermal cycling).
  • Experience with both clean and dusty vacuum systems.
  • Vibration signal analysis in both time and frequency domain.
  • Experimental experience with vibroacoustics, non-contact laser measurement methods and relevant measurement campaigns.


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