External Funding

Wording for external funding for the APR.Intern internship contract schedule.

Defence Science Centre (DSC) Subsidy
AMSI to invoice DSC the amount of $10,000 plus GST which will be put towards the Industry Contribution for the internship. The Industry Partner is to demonstrate at the Final Presentation the Defence application as outlined in DSC eligibility criteria. A copy of the final report, executive summary and impact statement will be provided to DSC at the completion of the project.

Defence Science Institute (DSI) Subsidy
AMSI to invoice DSI the amount of $12,500 plus GST which will be put towards the Industry Contribution for the internship. The Industry Partner is to demonstrate at the Final Presentation the Defence application as outlined in DSI eligibility criteria. A copy of the final report, executive summary and impact statement will be provided to DSI at the completion of the project.

Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WiSE) Subsidy
A Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WiSE) Subsidy of $7,500 plus GST is to be applied to the invoice as an External Funding Contribution as per item 11 of the Schedule. In the event of early termination of the internship before the 3-month minimum duration, AMSI will require a full refund of the Subsidy from the Industry Partner and will organise pro rata repayment of the Student Internship Scholarship and Academic Mentor fee.

NSW Space Research Network (SRN) Subsidy
AMSI to invoice SRN the amount of $12,000 plus GST which will be put towards the Industry Contribution for the internship.

University of Wollongong Learn, Ignite, Flourish, Transform (LIFT) Funding
The University of Wollongong LIFT Grant will contribute $15,000 towards the industry contribution. This will cover the cost of a three month full-time internship. In the case of an internship extension, the Industry Partner will be invoiced as per item 11.


Travel Contribution/Mobility Fund

Item 12 in Contract Schedule (Transfer of funds between Student Institution and AMSI)
Student Institution to invoice AMSI a total of $XX,XXX plus GST. Invoice to be raised upon execution of this agreement.

The Student Institution is to disburse:

  • $15,000 being for the Intern’s Student Internship Scholarship at the rate of $3,000 per month for the duration of the internship
  • $1,000 being for the Academic Mentor fee to be paid to the Academic Mentor’s research account
  • $X,XXX being for the Industry Travel Contribution (see Item 16 Special Conditions). Payment to be made as a lump sum to the student in addition to the Student Internship Scholarship.

Item 16 in Contract Schedule (Special Conditions)
Industry Travel Contribution: Intern to receive a bursary paid by APR.Intern and distributed by the Student Institution in one lump sum to the value of $XXXX.XX plus GST to assist with travel.