Home » Business Information » Costs & Subsidies » Defence Science Institute (DSI) Subsidy – Tasmania

The Defence Science Institute (DSI)
APR.Intern has partnered with the Defence Science Institute (DSI) to provide financial support to TAS-based businesses servicing the Defence sector and deliver a cost effective solution to tackle R&D.

Under the agreement, DSI will provide eligible businesses with a $15,000 APR.Intern subsidy. Businesses can utilise this to access academic expertise through APR.Intern’s short-term PhD student research placements, fill a skills gap and fast-track projects.


3-Month Project:

Full Project Cost

DSI Voucher Subsidy

Net Cost to Industry Partner

4-month internship: $23K full project cost – $8K with DSI subsidy
5-month internship: $26K full project cost – $11K with DSI subsidy

* Full project cost includes a monthly stipend for the student. All pricing excludes GST.


The DSI subsidy can also be combined with APR.Intern’s new Women in STEM $7,500 subsidy if the business engages a female postgraduate research student intern. Combined, these subsidies lower the cost of a 3-month project to $0. Please note that all subsidies are limited in quantity.

3-Month Project:

Full Project Cost

DSI Voucher Subsidy

Australian Gov. Women in STEM Subsidy

Net Cost to Industry Partner



  • Access to specialised PhD expertise
  • Used for controlled practice growth
  • Suitable for short-term skill needs
  • Eligible for R&D tax incentive


  • Short, intensive 3-month projects for quick implementation of results
  • Quick turnaround on establishment
  • Responsive to changing business needs and priorities


  • IP stays with company
  • No employment requirements
  • Pre-approved contract
  • Simple and transparent model
  • Proven and trusted


Proposal must have Defence relevance

One DSI Intern Voucher per business per year

Business must be a DSI Participant OR an SME

The business is based in Tasmania

The business is an SME or start-up (In Australia, SMEs are defined as businesses with fewer than 200 employees. This category includes micro-enterprises (1-4 employees), small businesses (5-19 employees), and medium-sized businesses (20-199 employees).)

Preferably the PhD candidate is from the University of Tasmania (UTAS), however if no suitable UTAS PhD candidate is found they may come from any University in Australia

PhD candidates who participate under this subsidy are preferably Australian Citizens, however there is the possibility that the PhD candidate best aligned technically to your industry project may not be an Australian citizen. If no suitable Aust. Citizen is found, then the PhD candidate can be international from any Australian University. PhD candidates who are from sanctioned countries cannot participate in projects that breach any compliance with Australia’s military sanctions or export controls.


Justin Mabbutt
Business Development Manager (VIC & TAS), APR.Intern

0413 050 952