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We facilitate short-term PhD student placements that connect you with Australia’s brightest emerging research talent. Over 3-6 months, engage a specialised PhD student and benefit from their expertise. All students are also paired with an Academic Mentor – typically their PhD Supervisor.

The placements offer an easy, cost-effective solution to fill a skills gap and tackle some of the R&D challenges facing businesses today.


  • Rapid results in 3-6 months
  • A cost-effective solution to tackle R&D challenges, with sector-specific subsidies available
  • Business retains all IP
  • Minimal administration; APR.Intern manages all HR
  • Fill a skills gap with PhD student and Academic Mentor’s expertise
  • Grow your diverse workforce and accelerate innovation
  • Many Industry Partners choose to offer employment to APR Interns after successful completion on their student internship

Open Up Your World

 0.31 min


  1. Talk to APR.Intern – we’ll guide you through the process from start to finish
  2. Outline your project needs
  3. We’ll source student and mentor teams from universities across Australia to find the perfect match
  4. Interview and select the right candidate for your business


We have a growing pool of specialist PhD students from all of Australia’s leading universities.

Search through our online database of available students here.


The cost of engaging a PhD student intern starts at $19,900 for a 3-month internship.

Discounts are available for businesses with existing university connections, and subsidies are available for businesses in Defence and MedTech sectors through our program partnerships.


What is the working arrangement between the student and the industry partner?

The primary aim of the program is for the student to gain relevant professional training and skills within a workplace setting, relating to their area of study. Students do not undertake day-to-day commercial activities, but focus on a short term, self-contained research project related to their field of study. There is no employment contract between the student and the industry partner and as such the student is not held to obligations whilst undertaking the internship. Students remain enrolled at the university whilst completing the internship and receive a scholarship, not a hourly rate. The project contract outlines that the industry partner is under no obligation to create an employment relationship with the student and that the primary purpose of the internship is for the intern’s educational purposes.

What is the program’s policy regarding confidentiality and disclosure?

We support the creation of confidentiality and non‑disclosure agreements between participating parties providing the reasonable rights of interns and their mentors are maintained. It is important that these agreements don’t impair the ability of academic mentors or interns to publish their results or for a student to complete his/her thesis. In some instances, these agreements can call for delays in the period before which publications should take place.

What is APR.Intern’s policy regarding Intellectual Property (IP)?

APR.Intern makes no claim whatsoever to IP. Ownership of Project Intellectual Property created during the project will vest upon its creation in the Industry Partner.

Can our industry contribution be “in-kind”?

There are no in-kind options with this program.

Can the industry partner be outside of Australia?

APR.Intern accepts both Australian and international Industry Partners. A slightly different program model may be used for international businesses.

Do I get to choose the PhD student?

Yes, all industry partners ultimately have the final say in which student and academic mentor they wished to work with.

How are projects developed?

The industry partner identifies a challenge requiring the expertise of an APR.Intern, this challenge is then developed into a project by the intern, mentor and industry partner.

How long are projects?

Internships can range from 3-6 months.

At the end of the internship, can the Industry Partner employ the Intern?

Yes, many industry partners choose to employ APR Interns after successful completion of their student internship.

Please note that international doctoral students now have six years post-study work rights, up from the previous four-year limit.