Research projects in scientific and engineering disciplines along with mathematics and statistics are what the APR.Intern Program is all about.

The Commonwealth Government’s Enterprise Connect partnership with AMSI is broadening the possibilities for interns with opportunities across a range of disciplines. As the plethora of small to medium sized enterprises become aware of AMSI-Enterprise Connect program the opportunities for postgraduates at AMSI member institutions will markedly increase.

This is an exciting innovation for AMSI and its stakeholders.

Interns will bring new research skill sets to problems faced by  businesses across the country from optimisation in oxygen steel making processes to gene sequencing  and to algorithms used in software design. AMSI is looking for students with backgrounds in:

  • Engineering
  • Bioinformatics
  • Statistics
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Physics

The partnership with Enterprise Connect will place up to 90 interns over the next three years. In addition to $3,000 per month payments to the interns, academic mentors receive a $5,000 research incentive payment.